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So ziehen Sie Geschäftsreisende an und buchen mehr Firmenveranstaltungen

Geschrieben von Kristin Cooke | |5 Minuten Lesezeit

The business travel market is growing steadily and is projected to top $2.1 trillion by 2031, as reported in the Global Business Travel Association and Business Travel News.1,2 But with this growth comes increased competition, as hotels, restaurants, and conference centers around the world reach out for new business. Understanding how to gear your marketing and services toward business travelers will set you up to attract more business travelers and build a repeat customer base with this demographic.

Understanding What Matters to Business Travelers

Business travelers aren’t just looking for a place to sleep. They need a stress-free experience and a productive environment. If you want to attract business travelers, you need to understand the key factors that influence their choices around amenities and lodging. These preferences often include:

  • Time-Saving Features — Fast check-in/out, mobile-friendly booking, and digital assistants make for a seamless stay.
  • Reliable Connectivity —Free, high-speed Wi-Fi in rooms and common areas is a must.
  • Strategic Location — Proximity to business districts, airports, and event venues saves travelers’ time.
  • Work-Friendly Spaces —Comfortable seating, quiet meeting rooms, and ample power outlets lend to productivity.
  • Safety & Security — Secure access, data protection, and a clean environment give business travelers peace of mind, especially international travelers.
  • Environmental Impact — Whether traveling for pleasure or for work, people are increasingly aware of the fact that their traveling habits have an impact on the planet’s health. Hospitality venues offering recycling, shuttle service, and other sustainable initiatives will stand out in a good way from the competition.3
Small group of business people meeting together

How ‘Bleisure’ Travel Is Changing the Corporate Event Space

The line between business and leisure travel has more and more crossover, creating more of what is referred to as “bleisure” travel—where professionals extend work trips into mini-vacations. As more travelers seek to combine productivity and relaxation, event organizers and hospitality businesses can attract more bookings by adapting to this trend.

woman enjoying the sauna

Hotels and venues can make corporate events more bleisure-friendly with the following strategies:

  • Offer discounted weekend stays.
  • Incorporate wellness amenities like yoga or spa services.
  • Highlighting local attractions for guests to explore after events.

Flexible workspaces, like meeting rooms and coworking areas, also cater to professionals looking to balance work with leisure. Embracing this shift can enhance guest satisfaction and drive repeat business.

How Corporate Travel Loyalty Drives Repeat Bookings

Unlike leisure travelers, business travelers tend to return to the same destinations repeatedly. They’re more likely to stay loyal to properties and venues that offer personalized perks that make their experience more convenient.

What Drives Business Traveler Loyalty?

Properties that offer reliable and consistent service that feels familiar to travelers will gain loyalty more easily. Additionally, things that will really stand out to business travelers are a seamless booking experience across multiple destinations and business-friendly perks like priority upgrades, late checkouts, and executive lounge access. Rewards programs also play a major role. Many travelers prefer points-based systems that provide free stays or exclusive benefits if they’re traveling frequently. A well-designed loyalty strategy not only keeps corporate guests coming back but also strengthens long-term partnerships with companies booking frequent travel.

young business person checking into a hotel

Our Free Guide to Attract Business Travelers

This e-book gives you tips on how to get more bookings by meeting the needs of business travelers and building trust and brand loyalty.

Was Sie darin finden:

  • 6 Tipps zur Gewinnung von Geschäftsreisenden
  • Statistiken, die Ihnen helfen, amerikanische Reisende zu verstehen
  • Beratung durch unsere Geschäftspartner
  • So organisieren Sie wirkungsvolle Geschäftsveranstaltungen
  • 3 Tipps, die Ihnen helfen, mehr gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen zu organisieren
Bild des Covers des kostenlosen Hospitality Guides

Laden Sie diesen KOSTENLOSEN Leitfaden herunter

Erfahren Sie mit diesem Leitfaden, wie Sie Ihre Immobilie zur idealen Wahl für Profis machen.

Lektüre this e-book hilft Ihnen dabei, vor der Buchung mehr über die erwarteten Geschäftstrends und darüber zu erfahren, wonach Reisende bei Unterkünften suchen.

Wenn Ihr Hotel einem bestimmten Trend voraus ist, der sich immer stärker durchsetzt, können Sie mit steigenden Buchungen und zusätzlichen Einnahmen rechnen. Wenn Sie Ihren Gästen die gewünschten Annehmlichkeiten bieten, werden sich die Online-Bewertungen und die Anzahl der Folgebuchungen verbessern.

Darüber hinaus zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie diesen Trend für Ihre Immobilie nutzen können.

Warten Sie nicht, bis Sie diese hilfreichen Tipps erfahren und beginnen Sie mit der Nutzung dieser Ressourcen.


  1. Davis, Chris; Aufgrund der starken Nachfrage erwartet GBTA im Jahr 2024 eine vollständige Erholung des Firmenreiseverkehrs, Business Travel News von Northstar; 14. August 2023. 
  2. Airoldi, Donna M. US-Reisen: Ausgaben für Geschäftsreisen steigen, aber langsam, Business Travel News von Northstar; 17. Januar 2024. 
  3. GlobeTrender Business Travel Trends 2025, Breaking Travel News; March 3, 2025.  

Treffen Sie den Autor

Kristin Cooke

Leitender Inhaltsspezialist

Kristin Cooke hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Englisch und über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Schreiben, Marketing und Produktforschung. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sie für verschiedene Möbelunternehmen geschrieben, von Luxus- bis hin zu kommerziellen Möbeln. Ihre Arbeiten wurden in PCMag, Shoshone News Press, Forbes, Ashland Town News und vorgestellt.