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Tendenze del settore

Come attrarre più viaggiatori d'affari e prenotare più eventi aziendali

Scritto da Blythe Bourgeous | |2 minuti di lettura

The business travel market is growing steadily and is projected to top $265 billion by the end of the year, as reported in the Global Business Travel Association and Business Travel News.1,2 But with this growth comes increased competition, as hotels, restaurants, and conference centers around the world reach out for new business.

Do you know how business travel has changed in the past five years, and what companies are looking for today?

This E-Book gives you tips on how to get more bookings by meeting the needs of business travelers and building trust and brand loyalty.

Cosa troverai all'interno:

  • 6 consigli per attirare i viaggiatori d'affari
  • Statistiche per aiutarti a capire i viaggiatori americani
  • Consulenza dai nostri partner commerciali
  • Come organizzare eventi aziendali efficaci
  • 3 suggerimenti per aiutarti a creare più eventi sociali
Image of the cover of the free hospitality guide

Download this FREE Guide

With this guide, learn how to make your property the ideal choice for professionals.

Lettura questo e-book ti aiuterà a saperne di più sulle tendenze commerciali previste e su ciò che i viaggiatori cercano nelle proprietà prima di prenotare.

If your property can stay ahead of one specific trend that’s gaining momentum, you could see an increase in bookings and an additional revenue stream. Supplying guests with the amenities they’re seeking will improve online reviews as well as repeat bookings.

We will also show you how to leverage this trend at your property. 

Non aspettare per apprendere questi suggerimenti utili e iniziare a utilizzare queste risorse.


  1. Davis, Chris. With Demand Strong, GBTA Sees Full Corp. Travel Recovery in ’24, Business Travel News by Northstar; August 14, 2023.
  2. Airoldi, Donna M. U.S. Travel: Business Travel Spending to Grow, but Slowly, Business Travel News by Northstar; January 17, 2024.

Incontra l'autore

Blythe Bourgeois


Con oltre 10 anni di esperienza nel settore dell'arredamento B2B e una laurea in Belle Arti in Graphic Design, Blythe condivide spunti sulle tendenze del design e aiuta nella scelta dei prodotti per tutti i tipi di spazi.