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Prix des chaises de banquet : combien coûtent-elles et pourquoi ?

Written by Jaycee Morrill | |6 minutes de lecture

The 5 factors that determine banquet chair price 

When shopping for banquet chairs, remember that “cheap” and “affordable” are not the same thing. It is possible to get high-quality banquet chairs that are affordable. It all depends on the style of chair you need, and the product features you require.

The first thing to know is that the cost of banquet chairs depends on various factors, and when you customize chairs for your venue, the price changes. This is why it’s rare to find product pricing listed on a manufacturer’s website. 

However, there are five main things that impact pricing, and knowing them can help you become a more well-informed buyer.

1. Banquet Chair Frame Style & Material

Most banquet chair frames are made from either steel or aluminum. There are different benefits and drawbacks for each type of frame and the best fit for you depends on your needs and priorities. However, when it comes to price, steel-framed banquet chairs typically cost 5-10% less than aluminum-framed banquet chairs. Aluminum banquet chair frames are easier to recycle and are often lighter weight than steel while being equally sturdy.

Close up of the MityLite Chiavari chair
The Chiavari Chair by MityLite features a lightweight, aluminum frame with built-in anti-sway bars.

D'autres options de style de cadre pour les chaises de banquet sont les cadres en bois et les cadres en faux bois. En général, chaises en bois seront les plus chers, selon le type de bois. Si vous possédez un bois de haute qualité, comme le bois dur de hêtre européen, il sera plus cher qu'un bois plus tendre, comme le pin. Les chaises en faux bois sont moins chères que les chaises en bois.

Apprendre encore plus sur les cadres de chaises.

  • Chaises en acier : $
  • Chaises en aluminium : $$
  • Chaises en faux bois : $$$
  • Chaises en bois : $$$$

2. Frame Color

Top-quality banquet chairs like those from MityLite are painted using a durable powder coating that holds the color and resists fading and scratching. After the coating is sprayed onto the frame, the chair frame is then baked in an oven to create an extremely durable finish. 

You might be surprised to hear that not all frame colors cost the same to apply—a black banquet chair will cost less than a gold banquet chair. The cost of materials like powder coating impacts the price of a chair because it’s dependent on what each supplier charges. 

Manufacturing employee spraying and powder coating chair frames

C'est la qualité de la couleur du cadre qui affecte le prix. MityLite propose plusieurs couleurs de cadre dans les niveaux 1 à 3. Le grade 1 est livré en standard et est déjà inclus dans le prix de la chaise. Les niveaux 2 et 3 ont un supplément par chaise.

Apprendre encore plus sur le revêtement en poudre et la couleur du cadre.

  • Revêtement de puissance de qualité 1 : $
  • Revêtement de puissance de qualité 2 : $$
  • Revêtement de puissance de niveau 3 : $$$

3. Upholstery Options

The type of material used to make the banquet chair seat and back can dramatically affect its price. For example, will you use a material supplied by the manufacturer, or will you request COM (Customer’s Own Material)? 

High-quality materials that are durable, stain-resistant, and long-lasting are going to be more expensive. One thing that determines the price and quality of the material is something called double rubs—how much wear and tear does the fabric sustain with a single back and forth swipe? The MityLite standard fabrics are tested for 30,000 double rubs or more. 

De plus, MityLite dispose d'un système de classification des tissus de A à P. Le système de classification reflète le type de matériau, les couleurs et le prix du produit, pas nécessairement la qualité du produit. Le tissu de qualité A est inclus dans le prix standard de la chaise. Tous les autres niveaux ont un supplément par chaise.

Photo of textiles and fabric swatches

Once you select an upholstery fabric, you still need to decide if you want additional fabric treatments. In some cases, we may recommend purchasing a fabric permanent performance treatment, such as Nanotex®, which will add $4-$6 per chair. Another thing to consider is if your facility is required to have all chairs be CAL 117 compliant (check your local fire code). If this is a requirement, it can increase the price by $20 per chair or even more. 

The orientation of the fabric chosen can also impact the price. Certain patterns may require additional fabric for each chair depending on how you want the fabric to “run” on the chair, such as having stripes displayed vertically or horizontally. 

Apprendre encore plus sur les options de tissus.

  • Tissu standard : $
  • Tissu personnalisé : $$
  • Tissu COM : $
  • Ajouter du Nanotex : $$$
  • Conforme CAL 117 : $$$$

4. Manufacturing Location & Lead Time

Chairs manufactured overseas are often less expensive than chairs manufactured in the United States. Although the majority of MityLite chairs are manufactured in Orem, Utah, we do offer some banquet chair options that are made in other countries. Although chairs manufactured overseas will be less expensive, the lead times will be four–six weeks longer.

  • Fabriqué à l’étranger : $
  • Fabriqué aux Etats-Unis: $$
a semi-truck driving along the highway

5. Banquet Chair Options & Accessories

For your convenience, all MityLite banquet chairs are stackable. That said, added options and accessories, such as the FormFlex™ seat, flex-back, ganging, and mitered legs, will enhance the chair’s comfort and make it easier to set up. Some features add extra cost. 

Adding a flex-back will increase the comfort level of the chair and will add about $30 per chair. As for a FormFlex seat, which also adds to the comfort level of a chair, this option comes standard on most MityLite banquet chair models, however, some basic banquet chair models require an upcharge for a FormFlex seat. 

Chaise de banquet animée démontrant comment le dossier de la chaise fléchit
PIctured above is an example of the flex-back option offered by MityLite.

Many local fire codes and businesses require ganging on portable seating. Therefore, the majority of MityLite banquet chairs have multiple ganging options. Ganging can add between $5–$9 per chair. 

Finally, adding a mitered leg, which has a more defined angle for aesthetics, adds approximately $10 per chair. This option is only available on select MityLite banquet chairs. 

Apprendre encore plus sur les options de chaise et les accessoires proposés par MityLite.

  • Regroupement : $
  • Jambe en onglet : $$
  • Dos flexible : $$$
Close-up of the Banquet Chair Pricing guide

Banquet Chair Price Comparison, Made Easy

Download MityLite’s quick reference guide for a simple breakdown of banquet chair pricing.